Mark Kruger

Mark Kruger is a Captain for the Portland Police Bureau with a consistent history of bigotry and bigotry-fueled state sanctioned violence. In 2002 he was filmed pepper spraying a camerawoman at point blank, which led to her hospitalization. According to an affidavit Kruger laughed and said he would probably not be identified.

Kruger has also been credibly accused of “bringing discredit and disgrace upon the bureau and the city” for erecting plaques in a public park dedicated to his 3rd Reich (See: Nazi) heros. This surfaced in 2003 litigation in regards to Kruger’s brutality against anti-war protests. Around the same time Kruger would ride around Portland with 2 friends, listening to Hitler speeches and yelling bigoted slurs out the window.

Also in the spring of 2003 Kruger was filmed brutalizing a female protestor and joked about wanting to get a framed print of the photo.

In 2004, Kruger was promoted to Lieutenant, and then on 2009 he was promoted to Captain, and wound up working at the Eastern Precinct in 2010.


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