
Hello, welcome to MisDisInfo. The intention of this space is to create an easily accessible resource, with comprehensive and verified information on subjects relevant to the uprisings happening in Portland.  With the extraordinary amount of new fascist/fascist-adjacent groups constantly in flux, swoopers, multitudes of different law enforcement agencies, and people arriving from other parts of the country; it can be challenging to be sure of what happened, especially in chaotic situations like car attacks or bulrushes, which can lead to a lot of conflicting and confusing information. I strive to provide some context and background knowledge to empower protestors, journalists, and other folks to make more informed decisions and relay accurate information.

On the top of this page, right under the header  you will see a series of categories such as geography, law enforcement, and more as more information is collected. Click to links to be taken to a listing of relevant pages. Posts are also tagged to make best use of the search function.

As of 8/23/2020 This Website Is Still Under Construction. Any And All Feedback Is Appreciated. This webpage is created, moderated, and administrated by one person.

Please contact oracle503@riseup.net with any feedback, corrections, new info, etc. We will get back to you within 24 hours.  We have not been contacted by any law enforcement agency.